A fanatic cyclist. My children have a father who is a little obsessed about cycling. Every weekend he is at his happiest tinkering with his two bikes, making them go a few seconds faster on his daily commute to work. This isn't a short easy commute - it's 15 miles there and 15 miles home plus a few extras going to meetings during the day. He has a road bike and a fixie, with the fixie being his favourite (why would anyone would want to ride a bike without gears?).
My bike is quite old - I only use it to get around locally and am too frightened to take it on to bigger and busier roads into London. But he tries to persuade me at every birthday and Christmas to upgrade. This would allow him the pleasure to research for hours what would be best for me but I haven't said yes yet.
I wish I could join him on his weekends away cycling with friends - they have cycled to Wales, Holland and done sections of the Tour du France. But truthfully I'm quite happy doing my own thing whilst he is away. I think married couples do best having hobbies they share but equally have things they do separately. What do you think?
I designed this art print with my husband in mind. It resonates with a lot people and I sell many especially as a Fathers Day gift. Some customers have asked me to adapt it for other obsessions - a few of which are featured below.